Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 3

I felt pretty good today.  The tightness in my arms and back was starting to go away and it was nothing a good stretch couldn't help.  I really got in the mood once I walked into the gym and heard this.  Nothing quite like some classic PJ to get you started.

Dan vowed to get serious today with things now that he's over his "illness".  Today was bi's/tri's/back, essentially an hour straight of curls and fly's.  I started off like a champ with 20 lbs dumbbells and made it pretty much all the way to my goals of 10-12 reps per set for the first half of the DVD.  Then I hit the wall, and had to go down to 15's and even some 10's.  There were some exercises I haven't even heard of before so it took awhile to get used to the motions. Also, in what seems to be an ongoing theme, my lack of flexibility hampered a few exercises.  It was like Day 1, where you ended up doing each exercise twice and overall I was fairly pleased with my day.   I still tapered off quite quickly towards the end, but evidently you're supposed to.

2 sets of the following exercises...
Alternating Shoulder Press
In & Out Burger, I mean In & Out Bicep Curls
Two Arm Triceps Kickbacks
Deep Swimmer's Press  (Sucks)
Full Supination Concentration Curl
Chair Dip
Upright Row
Static Arm Curl
Flip-Grip Twist Tricep Kickback
Seated Two Angle Shoulder Fly
Crouching Cohen Curl
Lying Down Tricep Extension (couldn't do these because I was gassed and I'm not sure my arms are long enough...ya that's it, my arm's aren't long enough!)

Food Intake Today
16 oz of my yogurt concoction
Spaghetti w/turkey meat and sauce
Kashi Bar
2 PB&J sandwhiches
Muscle Milk
Maybe a bowl of cereal

I got my Day 1 pictures finally taken and if I can figure out how to post them, I'll get them up for your "amusement."  A couple things I'm worried about with this is I'm going to be in Vegas over Memorial weekend for Jarod's bachelor party so I'm doubting I'll get a workout in unless it's cardio.  2, I can still hardly shoot a basketball from outside 6 feet because my arms are sore. I have a golf tournament May 20 and I'm a little concerned about not being able to swing a club or that my muscles are so fatigued I hook the piss out of everything.   

Today I debated what supplements to start using again.  So far I'm using X-Rated Whey Protein for after workouts (I may add a scoop to my yogurt concoction too).  I thought about taking Creatine or something called NO-Xplode, which is nitrick oxide creatine, but after talking to my buddy Hanson I decided to add and try something called CLA.  Hanson uses it and so does my cousin Troy, who's a chiropractor also said CLA wouldn't be a bad supplement to add (actually he uses a form of CLA).  To read more about CLA you can go here, but basically it looks to me to do two helps speed up your metabolism (it's used for people with thyroid problems) and it reduces body fat, specifically in the abdominal region.  Good times!

I feel good, I'm starting to get past that initial "working out sucks" phase and am really looking forward to the Yoga tomorrow.  It's not really a day off, but it should help with the soreness and also with my flexibility or lack there off.  As for my pictures, I was pleasantly surprised with a) how much weight I've already dropped and b) I actually have some definition in my shoulders and traps.  Dan even gave me a compliment on my shoulders and it wasn't even in a gay way.  Only thing I'm disappointed in was somehow I have some back zits.  Who gets back zits in their 30's?

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