Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 12 - More Blunders

Day 12 was going to be cardio since I've put that off.  You'd think that with 7 days and 7 programs it'd be easy to stay on schedule.  But the lesson to be learned here, is as always, I'm an idiot.

We were off so regardless of the schedule we hadn't done cardio yet so cardio it was going to be.  I chose to ride bike for a paltry 3.5 miles and then do the elliptical for 20 minutes, or was it 15?  I think it was just over 15 and then did a light ab workout.  I don't understand why it's so hard to stay on a 7 day schedule but it is.

I also have nothing else to write so this is it.  I figure you can tell what my eating routine is by now.  It's probably better if I post either a recipe or write about when I cheat.

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